Posted By  Sarah L. Hosker, on

Natural disasters and other emergencies are pretty common in today’s world, but during the hot summer months, wildfires are on the rise. The question for pregnant moms and moms in general is…are you prepared? The CDC has issued a list of information for pregnant moms and parents of infants:

A few examples are:

“If you’re a pregnant woman who has been evacuated from your home, please do the following: When checking into a shelter or temporary housing, tell the staff you are pregnant or if you think you might be pregnant.”

“If you’re a pregnant woman who might be evacuated from your home, please do the following: Be prepared to evacuate quickly and have important items (listed below) ready to go— you may not have much time. Take copies of any medical records with you and Take your prescription medicines with you.”

“If you are a parent with a young infant who has been evacuated from your home, please do the following: When checking into a shelter or temporary housing, tell the staff if you know of any special needs or health problems your baby has. If your young infant needs prescription or over the counter medicine, and you have them, give them as directed.”

If you are a parent with a young infant who might be evacuated from your home, please do the following: Make sure your baby gets plenty of breast milk or formula— bring as much as you can.”

Please refer to the CDC website for the entire list! Preparedness is key…this is great information to have “just in case” no matter where you live in the world.

Author: Sarah L. Hosker

Sarah Hosker is a paralegal in Chicago, Illinois. Her interest in raising pregnancy awareness sparked when, in the summer of 2009, she learned of the passing of her niece less than a month before her due date. Together with friends and family, she Co-founded Project Alive & Kicking (PAK). Sarah is committed to volunteer work in the community and is an active member of at St. Teresa of Avila Parish. She also enjoys traveling, beachcombing, antiquing, visiting museums, photography, following the English Premier League and is a fan of the University of Georgia (UGA) football team. Sarah lives in Chicago, Illinois with her husband, Ali.

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