Hi friends…I’m still patiently waiting for my preconception doctor’s appointment (I promise it’s coming soon). While I wait…I must fill you in on the what I just read in Parents magazine – “20 Things All Couples Should Do Before Getting Pregnant.” There are some great ideas to keep me occupied while I wait. My favorites are the following:
ONE: Make a restaurant checklist…this is fantastic! There are a ton of yummy places I have been dreaming of trying and now I have the perfect excuse to make a lot of reservations.
TWO: Go to the movies…I love a good movie and now would be a perfect time to go to the movies. Once I’m pregnant it’ll be likely that I will have to take one too many bathroom breaks and miss most of the movie…who knew?
THREE: Book a girlfriend getaway…what? I would love to take a quick trip with my girls!
Where will I choose?
I’m thinking something beachy!
I’m so excited about these ideas, but there was one I was not excited about: “Stop buying clothes.” Sorry…this just isn’t going to work for me right now.
Well, I am off to make my reservations for dinner…wish you could join me.
xox ~ Lemon