Posted By  Michelle Stephen, on

22 Weeks Update

Current times seem surreal. I feel sometimes that we are in this kind of different reality. Is all of this really happening? I know there were plenty of bad things happening in our world, but a pandemic affects us all directly. Our lives aren’t the same. Our routines have changed, and the things we expected are no longer viable, in every matter. For instance, I would host a Spanish playgroup at my local library, and now I host virtual bilingual storytime on Fridays. I miss that normal, I miss going out on walks without having to dodge people. 

I’m in my second trimester now, and even though sometimes days feel long, and weeks seem to go by fast, I feel that now my pregnancy has slowed down. It’s hard to explain, I guess, but sometimes I feel like my due date seems far away. It all might be due to the pandemic. How is it treating you? How are you doing during quarantine times? Me? Let me tell you a little bit.

My Progesterone Treatment

I’m still getting progesterone shots each week since week 16. The clinic that I go to has changed their protocols. They have a couple separate chairs in their waiting room, and they have tape on the floor signalling where you can stand to talk to the receptionist. Sadly, we haven’t managed to be able to do the shots at home, so I have to go out every week to get them. My arms feel lumpy where I’ve been injected, and oh, God! If you haven’t gotten any of these shots, let me tell you they’re really painful. The injection itself doesn’t hurt any more than other needles, but when the medication goes into your body, you experience pain, and even loss of strength. The first minutes are the hardest. They usually recommend you to stay 30-40min just in case you experience anything weird. In COVID-19 times you are encouraged to leave the clinic as fast as you can. Hopefully, they’ll loosen up their rules and we can do them at home soon.

Pregnancy Check-up Via Telephone

The beginning of my pregnancy journey was easy. I always had my husband, Robert, with me during the doctor’s visits. I even had my son, Robbie, join us for my first ultrasound! Also, Robbie was there to turn on the doppler during my last “normal” visit to my OBGYN. It all seems like a blur now, and it’s hard not to feel weird about it all.

My latest prenatal medical appointment was different. I think this might be the new “normal” from now on. I had what they call a Telehealth visit, which is basically a phone call that you have to give verbal consent to your provider to proceed. I had a list of things to ask my OBGYN about, and we went over all of it with ease. It definitely felt weird to do it this way. I missed our ritual to go to the clinic together as a family. I even missed peeing in a cup! My doctor let me know I was due for my Level 2 ultrasound, and they scheduled my appointment at the hospital. I don’t know anything about my next monthly check-up yet.

Ultrasound Day

My husband, Robbie, and I got ready for my ultrasound appointment. We were hopeful they were going to let us all in to see baby. Too much to ask. However, I think it was the right thing to do to only let one-person in. It was definitely tough to be there on my own. On the plus side, I was allowed to FaceTime them.

Baby was moving tons, and the technician took all the photos needed. We confirmed we’re having a baby boy!

No doubt, if you know what I mean, haha! I also had a vaginal ultrasound to check my cervix. I asked and they said it’s been added as a routine for over a year now. Things really have changed since my last pregnancy!

Tips for Your Appointments

If you’re going to see your OBGYN or midwife during the pandemic, make sure they give you the first appointment of the day. Ask your providers for the safest options, and if it’s viable to have an appointment over the phone. If you end up going, bring your own hand sanitizer and mask.

Try to work on a list of things you want to go over with your provider ahead of time. Ask your partner for input, too, pregnancy brain is no joke. If you have a fever, cough, or sore throat, call your clinic before attending your appointment. Be safe. Being pregnant puts us in the high-risk group.

Let’s stay positive through these tough times. Hang in there. You’re strong, momma! We can make it! Michelle

Author: Michelle Stephen

Michelle is a Mexican mom of a preemie little monster, Robbie. She is married to her best friend, Robert. They are so happy to be welcoming a little one to their family this summer! Michelle is a plant hoarder, baker, love maker, worrier. Michelle is also a volunteer for ICP Care and for Chicago Public Library. Michelle and her family live in Chicago. Follow Michelle on Instagram @monstruitomom & visit Michelle's blog at

14 Responses on“Pregnancy During a Pandemic”

  1. This time has definitely been different and difficult. I can only imagine what it’s been like for you. Pregnancy is hard by itself and with all these changes to the norm, I am sure it’s enough to cause so much stress. I am glad to hear that you are hanging in there and that baby boy is well also. I know it feels like ages before this is all over but hang in there mama. One day at a time!

    Maureen |

  2. You’re a warrior, mama! I couldn’t imagine not having my son at every appointment with me. You’re amazing and so strong. Hang in there.

  3. Congratulations on your little boy! I’m also pregnant now but due in a couple of days and I know how long the days can feel. The tips for the appointments are spot on, and I just had a telephone appointment last week. Good luck mama !

  4. I’m pregnant too and things are definitely different! I’m glad our healthcare providers are going what they can to keep us safe during this unique time we’re in.

  5. Can’t imagine going through this! You’re a tough mama and you’ve got this!! Praying things return to normal or close to, sooner than later!

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