Move Baby Move

Week 25

Estimated reading time: 1 min read

Your baby may now recognize sounds such as your voice and respond with a little shifting of position. Tiny hands continue to develop synchronizing skills; opening and closing little hands can now be accomplished as the nerves in your baby’s hands are developing every day. The startle reflex is emerging.

You baby is performing cartwheels and twirls; investigating the surroundings of the uterus will be part of your baby’s daily routine. Kicking begins as the muscles in tiny legs have matured. In just a couple of weeks you will begin counting your baby’s movements every day. This proactive step, making sure your baby’s movements remain the same from day to day, will help let you and your health care team know your baby is doing well in utero.

At 23 weeks after conception, your baby is the length of a small sweet honeydew melon weighing about 1½ pounds as you near the end of the second trimester.

Childbirth, Sibling & Infant CPR Classes

Now is the time to think about enrolling in childbirth classes, as well as toddler, sibling and infant CPR classes. These classes are not usually offered weekly so it’s important to plan ahead, register early and have all classes completed six weeks before baby’s due date. Begin your research now in order to locate classes which will suit your schedule.