Articles by: Sarah L. Hosker

Sarah L. Hosker

What is Stillbirth

Did you know October is SIDS, Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month? In the United States Stillbirth refers to the loss of a baby of twenty or more weeks gestation. Stillbirth is not a...

Sarah L. Hosker

When Itching in Pregnancy is Not Normal..

Although some itching in pregnancy is normal, if you notice itching, primarily at night on the palms of hands, arms, legs, soles of feet or all-over itching which typically increases in severity, speak with...

Sarah L. Hosker

Looking for Peace After a Loss

In the United States stillbirth refers to the loss of a baby of twenty or more weeks gestation. A stillbirth is the death of a baby before or during delivery. Approximately, one out of...


From Me to Pregnancy…There’s a checklist for that

The Internet can be a slippery slope, especially when I am researching the following terms with my close friend, Google: “Pregnancy” has 313,000,000 results. “Pregnant” has 358,000,000 results. “Preparing for Pregnancy” has 62,300,000 results....

Yelda Basar Moers

Trusting Your Inner Voice

When we say there is something wrong to a doctor or a nurse, why is it that sometimes we are not heard? And when we are not heard, why do we choose not to...