Sarah L. Hosker

This Week Baby Can Hear the Sweet Rhythm of Your Heartbeat

At week 18, your baby’s ears protrude from a tiny head as inner ear bones (as well as leg bones) begin to solidify. The skeleton will keep ossifying. Your baby will hear and acknowledge the raucous environment of your uterus, your tummy echoing, blood whizzing through your vessels and the rhythm of your heart beating. … Continue reading “This Week Baby Can Hear the Sweet Rhythm of Your Heartbeat”


From Me to Pregnancy…Almost Unplugged

Hiya friends…technically I am still on my babymoon. That being said, I am sneaking in a little “plugged” in time at the local (decaf) coffee shoppe…while no one is watching (wink). I am in a lovely and very remote location (which I promise to disclose upon my return). But for now…here is a little taste … Continue reading “From Me to Pregnancy…Almost Unplugged”


From Me to Pregnancy…I’m on a Plane

Greetings friends…well, I have some exciting last minute news. I am off on my pre-pregnancy babymoon…thanks to the airline miles gods. You might be wondering…what’s a babymoon? Well, it is a rest & relaxation & romantic vacation before the birth of the baby. We figured why not go on a big trip before we try … Continue reading “From Me to Pregnancy…I’m on a Plane”

Sarah L. Hosker

Life’s a Peach at Week 17

This week your baby is starting to accumulate brown fat beneath the skin. Extra layers of fat will increase in the weeks to come. Did you know the brown fat will keep your baby at the perfect post birth temperature on delivery day? The branching of delicate air ways in your baby’s lungs is now … Continue reading “Life’s a Peach at Week 17”


From Me to Pregnancy…Just Another Day of Fertility Tracking

Hi friends…let me tell you what I have been up to this week: fertility tracking. Yes this is a thing and of course there is an app. Well actually there are quite a few apps…some are free and some are not! I went with the free ones to try for now and here are my two … Continue reading “From Me to Pregnancy…Just Another Day of Fertility Tracking”

Sarah L. Hosker

When Itching in Pregnancy is Not Normal..

Although some itching in pregnancy is normal, if you notice itching, primarily at night on the palms of hands, arms, legs, soles of feet or all-over itching which typically increases in severity, speak with your health care team. Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy (ICP), a liver disorder occurring during pregnancy, affects 1 – 2 women per … Continue reading “When Itching in Pregnancy is Not Normal..”


From Me to Pregnancy…Say Cheese

Friends, I’m back & I just checked an item off my preconception checklist: I’m not going to lie, but I have been dragging my feet getting to the dentist. But I read some pretty major reasons why I should get to the dentist before getting pregnant. The time is now for those dental x-rays! It’s … Continue reading “From Me to Pregnancy…Say Cheese”

Sarah L. Hosker

Capturing this Special Pregnancy Moment

As you are counting the weeks up to delivery day, why not capture this special moment? With the help of EXPECTING M.O.M.S. you can cast your pregnant belly while anxiously waiting your baby’s arrival. Just pick your favorite gestational week, cast your bump and enjoy a unique and one of a kind keepsake long after … Continue reading “Capturing this Special Pregnancy Moment”